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Religion and Spirituality: Pantheism




A Reasoned Spirituality - Defining Existence

10 out of 10 stars (5 votes)

A philosophical exploration of spirituality, human behaviour, and the quest for the meaning of life.

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Pantheism: Nature, science and religion

The Universe is divine and Nature is sacred. The history, theory and practice of Pantheism.

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Universal Pantheist Society

Pantheist.Net an online home for Pantheists, Panentheists and Cosmotheists. Pantheist.Net was founded to provide a coalition, bringing groups dedicated to Pantheist lifeways and philosophy together with individuals practicing or exploring pantheism.

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World Pantheist Movement

The WPM is a membership organization dedicated to the promotion of natural/scientific pantheism, revering the Universe, caring for Nature, and celebrating life.

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A description of Pantheism, and some common forms.

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Shape of the Next Religion

Site suggesting that a form of Pantheism will be the next major religion.

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Pantheism defined

Definition of Pantheism from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

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Pantheism: FAQs

FAQs on paganism, animism, panentheism, atheism, and free will.

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Pantheist Age

Essay, poems and links about "the world's oldest religion that is fast becoming the most reasonable religion for the modern world and inquiring minds."

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Pantheism: It's Everywhere

Seeing the universe as a profound unity, pantheists turn to nature for spiritual inspiration.

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Category for: Religion and Spirituality: Pantheism